How to Maximize Sales Ahead of Valentine’s Day

valentines day sale ideas

About 25% of Valentine’s Day gifts are experiences rather than things and that contribution has grown steadily over the years.

This is good news for tour and activity companies.

As couples increasingly prefer to spend the holiday doing something fun together, there are new opportunities to serve this market. And it’s not just on the date itself – when Valentine’s Day doesn’t fall on a weekend (like this year), you can use gift vouchers that can be redeemed later.

Want to find out more?

Learn how to maximize your sales with these Valentine’s Day sale ideas.

Increase your availabilities for Valentine’s Day

It’s common to receive a disproportionate amount of bookings around big holidays and Valentine’s Day is no exception. When you’re offering activities for the 14th of February, make sure to increase the availabilities in your ticket shop so you can accept all bookings.

More information: How to create availabilities.

Create special offers for couples

As people browse for Valentine’s Day gift ideas, it’s good practice to rename one of your core offers to add a romantic touch. This makes the offer stand out and look as if it’s tailored for the holiday, even if you’ve made very small changes in reality.

More information: How to create an offer.

Offer Valentine’s Day bundles

Of course, you should also consider creating dedicated offers for couples. Use the Regiondo bundle feature to combine your offers to match the Valentine’s Day romance. How does a lovely city tour with a candlelight dinner as a conclusion sound?

More Information: How to create bundles.

Customize your vouchers for Valentine’s Day offers

Did you know you can create individual voucher designs for every offer with Regiondo? After creating or editing your offers, you can customize the vouchers for Valentine’s Day with the appropriate design and colors.

More information: How to customize a voucher.

Connect your ticket shop with important sales channels

After you prepare your ticket shop for Valentine’s Day, you should connect with the most important sales channels for the holiday. For example, connect your Ticket shop with GetYourGuide so customers can easily find your offers ahead of Valentine’s Day.

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Valentine’s Day is becoming more important for tours and activities as people prefer to gift experiences rather than things.

To make the most out of this holiday, it’s important to tailor your offers and ticket shop with a few easy tweaks.

To start with, make sure to increase your online availabilities. This way, you can accept all incoming bookings in case there is more demand compared to the rest of the season.

Next, try to add a romantic touch to your offers by changing their name or bundling several offers together. Bundles are a great way to increase the value you provide and tailor your offers to a specific occasion.

And while Valentine’s Day comes once a year, that doesn’t mean the benefits end there. Many people prefer to celebrate on a different day, depending on their work and personal commitments. This is why paying special attention to your gift vouchers and customizing them for the holiday can pay off big time. It’s the perfect time to focus on offers that can be bought ahead of time and redeemed later.

Lastly, make sure to connect your ticket shop with big online marketplaces for experiences like Viator or GetYourGuide. Many people will go there in order to find aggregated offers for Valentine’s Day instead of shopping around.

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