How to Use Twitter for Tourism Marketing

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Twitter is one of the best platforms for social media marketing due to its number of daily active users, platform improvements, and growing popularity. 

In this article, we’ll explain how Twitter can help you increase bookings for your tours and activities. We’ll also share some powerful tourism marketing tips that you can use to boost sales through Twitter.

Let’s begin.

Should You Even Use Twitter for Tourism Marketing? 

The answer to this question is a resounding yes! 

Tour companies and activity providers can leverage Twitter’s marketing features. The following are some of the benefits of using Twitter for tourism marketing:

  • Research shows that 40 percent of people purchased something after they saw it posted on Twitter.
  • Twitter has close to 200 million daily active users as of the first quarter of the year 2021, according to Twitter’s Q1 2021 Letter to Shareholders. This huge number proves you can gain a wide reach by marketing on Twitter.
  • The countries where Twitter is most popular are the US, Japan, India, Brazil, and Turkey, as well as the UK, Germany, and France in Europe. This is excellent news if any of these are your target markets.    
  • Since 99% of Twitter users are active on at least one other social platform, you can leverage cross-platform shares and remarketing strategies to stay top of mind. 
  • Research shows that Twitter users are wealthier and more highly educated than the general population. 

9 Tips To use Twitter for Tourism Marketing 

Here’s the thing: to see a significant impact on Twitter, you need a considerable following. We will share both tips to grow your Twitter following and tips to increase bookings for your tours and activities company with Twitter in this section.   

1. Tweet what your target audience cares about

Target audience refers to the people for whom your company’s services are most intended for. It’s crucial to know who your target audience is to create content suited for them on Twitter. 

For example, are you targeting corporations with group activities? Or do you target the ultra-adventurous millennials by offering activities like cliff-jumping, parachute jumping, and bungee jumping?

Getting everyone’s attention is not the objective here. Instead, create Twitter posts that resonate with your brand’s buyer personas.     

Attracting your ideal customers can boost your conversion rates since they are more likely to book your packages. 

2. Share high-quality images in your tweets 

Tweets with pictures get higher engagement signals, such as likes (18% more), retweets (150% more), mentions, favorites (89%), comments, and clicks, than those without images. Therefore, it’ll benefit you to create and share high-quality images to increase engagement. 


Throughout the day, your tour guides have numerous opportunities to capture breathtaking photos. You can include up to four of them in each tweet (carousel tweets). 

Utilizing Twitter’s analytics tool, you can then see what types of images generate the most engagement so that you can post more of them in the future. If you prefer, you can also use your favorite social media management platform, such as Buffer, Hootsuite, SproutSocial, or CoSchedule. 

3. Ride the current trend in video marketing

Tweets that include a video are super popular on the platform, including video ads on Twitter. Videos also boost Twitter user retention by 60%.  

Taking advantage of video marketing can increase not only your following and engagement but also direct bookings.

Here are some examples of video ideas to capture and post:

  • Use selfie mode to create more authentic videos
  • Get double the click-through rate by using website buttons in your video ads.
  • Provide educational/instructional videos, such as things potential customers need to pack for a particular activity or what they should wear.

Once again, be sure to post tours and activities videos that are relevant to your target market. Suppose you want to build a reputation as an adventurous, high-energy activities provider. In that case, you might benefit from highlighting your exciting windsurfing packages over a relax-by-the-beach package, even if you offer such a package.

4. Use relevant hashtags to get more retweets 

Twitter uses hashtags (#) to categorize content so users can explore specific topics and find related content faster. 

You can reach more people if you use relevant hashtags in your tweets. 

Here are some of the most popular tourism hashtags on Twitter:

  • #travel
  • #travels
  • #traveltuesday
  • #destinationwedding
  • #grouptravel
  • #photooftheday
  • #wanderer
  • #roadtrip

You can use these hashtags and more based on the tours and activities you offer to attract people looking for similar experiences near you. 

5. Provide snappy responses to customer questions 

Tour operators can use social media to provide excellent customer service. It enables instant, personable, and round-the-clock (automated) interactions. 

Picture this. On Twitter, 72% of people expect a brand to respond, with 53% expecting a response within an hour. 


Twitter provides a great way to respond publicly to complaints or to send a DM to solve private issues. 

It also helps to know that most people want to respond positively to your services, according to the same survey. 


6. Network with other companies

Establishing a solid network of other tours and activities providers is a great way to generate referrals for your business.

You can tweet about upcoming events by a nearby hotel, government agency, festival brand, or convention center. Then attendees can look at your offerings and potentially decide to explore them further. 

Also, the organizations whose events you promote could reciprocate by referring people interested in your kind of tours and activities to you.   

7. Get verified 

Verified accounts on Twitter have a blue badge next to their names. This tells other users the account is legitimate, active, notable, and of public interest.

Your company can instantly gain credibility by getting verified. Tour operators and activities providers are eligible for verified Twitter accounts, which Twitter reintroduced in mid-2021. 


8. Tweet user-generated content

Any content that users of a brand generate is considered user-generated content. This includes videos, images, hashtags, and audio tweets of tours and activities. 

The best user-generated content is that which mentions your brand or describes your tours and activities. Those who see the tweet (impressions) are more likely to check out your offerings and book their favorites.     

User-created content not only engages followers but also helps brands create more Twitter content with little effort. 

9. Promote your offerings with Twitter Ads

Advertisements can help you increase your brand’s awareness, reach, engagement, and click-throughs faster and on shorter notice than growing your Twitter following organically.

You can achieve a good return on investment by factoring in your budget and advertising goals. Keep in mind Twitter ads can be more expensive than Facebook ads, for example.  

How To Get Started With Twitter 

You can create a Twitter account for your tours or activities company for free. Here are some more details:

  • Use a Twitter business profile.
  • Ensure that your profile picture and background accurately reflect your brand’s values and offerings.
  • Write a short and exciting bio that includes a link to your website, landing page, or another offer.
  • Ensure opening hours, location, and more contact information about your tours or activities business are accurately indicated.
  • Pin your most popular offer, news, or promotion.
  • Regularly publish interesting content, including videos, images, GIFs, and educational text posts.


You can use Twitter to market your tours and activities packages to the right people at the right time with suitable content formats. 

You can start by implementing the following tips to attract more ideal Twitter followers and people interested in your activities and tours.

  • Post content that resonates with your target audience 
  • Include stunning images in your tweets 
  • Engage Twitter followers with current video trends 
  • Use relevant hashtags to encourage retweets
  • Answer customer questions as quickly as possible using Twitter 
  • Network with other brands on Twitter to increase referral opportunities
  • Verify your Twitter account to increase your credibility
  • Retweet user-created posts to engage more followers 

Over to you.  

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